Regular price $17.00 Sold out
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     This set contains two separate buildings, which - when paired together - make a whole bridge! If you use the two Villetta Ponte Wandas separately, they have a little cover and a doorway which lead straight onto the canal - perfect for parking your gondola outside. Put them together and use the steps to walk safely across the canal.

    The Modular Venetian kits all work together to form something better than the sum of their parts. Using a handy clip system that the buildings sit on top of, you can link any of these kits together to create an intricate and complicated group of houses - the exact kind you find in Venice!

    This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for Carnevale, using multiple storeys to climb and jump, and roofs at easy angles so that miniatures will not fall off when darting across the Venetian skyline. It is a great piece of scenery to use with other 28-32mm games.

    - $17.00

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