LTA Fighters & LTA Gunship

Regular price $21.25


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    Much as robotic legs serve the ground forces of the Zerkalo Bloc, their engineers came to the conclusion that aerodynamic lift was not a sufficiently reliable way to ensure their aircraft stayed in the sky. Lighter-than-air gasses provide a much more stable fighting platform for their vehicles, which resemble what the forces of our world would call jets and helicopters. While not as fast as their winged adversaries, these craft are capable of bearing thicker armor and have comparable attack strength.

    These units can be added to any Destroyer force. The LTA Fighters float over the heads of their marching comrades to seek out and destroy enemies. Their missiles are effective at destroying ground targets but are more suited to Anti-Air combat. When a target is too entrenched for the fighters to handle, LTA Gunships are called in. These crafts carry a wide array of armaments and are able to Quick Fire their Indirect Fire missiles to take out any target.

    Resin & white metal components.

    1 LTA Gunship
    4 LTA Fighters
    5 30mm Square Bases
    3 Stat Cards

    - $21.25

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