Kill Team Octarius

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    Squads of elite operatives battle for the fate of the Octarius Sector in the all-new, reimagined Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. The Kill Team: Octarius launch box is the ultimate introduction, containing everything you need to run a thrilling campaign between the Veteran Guardsmen of the Death Korps of Krieg and the Ork Kommandos as an entire sector descends into all-out war.

    The set includes 23 brand new Citadel miniatures, a battlefield full of Orkish terrain, the 144-page rulebook, a 96-page campaign manual, and all the dice, tokens, barricades, cards, and combat gauges you need to lead run spec ops engagements in the 41st Millennium.

    Kill Team: Core Book and Kill Team: Compendium

    The Kill Team: Core Book is also available separately in a 144-page package containing all the necessary rules and missions to enjoy Kill Team in three forms – open play, matched play, and narrative play.

    SundayPreview Aug8 KT 01 Books

    Containing complete and updated rules for 19 factions, the Kill Team: Compendium is the perfect companion to the boxed set and core rules. In all, there are datasheets for a full 55 fireteams and 187 types of operatives for nearly every faction in the 41st Millennium, as well as unique Strategic and Tactical Ploys, and faction-specific equipment.

    SundayPreview Aug8 KT 04 Dice

    Also on their way are four sets of 20 faction-specific dice, all in fetching Kill Team orange and black. These dice are available for Death Korps of Krieg, Ork Kommandos, Adeptus Astartes, and the forces of Chaos, and as they’re all D6, they can easily be used in games of Warhammer 40,000 as well.


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